Here are the wonderful faces that make up our school.
New Donation Portal
We have recently set up a Paypal donation portal linked directly to our non-profit SHIP- HOOPS inc. account to help get those much needed and appreciated donations simpler and easier.
You can access this portal directly from the menu above or if you would like to know more you can click on the ‘Get Involved’ menu option for more information.
We have just completed some school improvement projects and have more on the way, keep a lookout on this space for the latest news and updates as we are going to dedicate ourselves to keeping you more updated right here in the near future.
Akoyikoyi School will be Updating!
SHIP-HOOPS & Akoyikoyi School
On behalf of the children of Akoyikoyi and the teachers that serve them, I want to wish you a joyful and prosperous 2019. Akoyikoyi School now serves children in grades K through 7. The recent highlight are:
- One fifth grader was accepted to Xavier High School. another to Berea Christian School
- We again promoted tolerance and took part in the Mix It Up Lunch Program
- Our 4th graders performed well on the National Math Test.
- We were supported by several donors including the Latter Day Saints Church. Phillip & Nina Bogetto, and many others. Thank you all for your support.
- The Jesuit Volunteer Program (JV) and the Australian Volunteer International Program (AVI) provided us with staff.
- We had a most successful Culture Day.
- To reduce the negative effects of the summer slide, we offered summer school programs.
- Three sixth graders were accepted to various high schools. One was accepted to Xavier High School, one to Saramen Chuuk Academy, one to Chuuk High School.
- During the summer well-known stick dance master, Enis Timothy shared his skills and knowledge. teaching the traditional Chuukese Stick Dance to Akoyikoyi students.
- Continuing to promote tolerance, we had another successful Mix It Up Lunch Day.
- With a grant from the Green Global Fund (GGF), we formed and ran a successful Akoyikoyi Earth Council program for upper-grade students. The primary focus was on Global Warming and Littering. Students made field trips, interviewed various people, and made presentations to share their findings with other Weno elementary schools.
- Donations were St. John’s Episcopal Church, Attorney Kembo Mida, the Latter Day Saints Church, and numerous others. Thank you as always for caring and supporting us.
There is more to come. Please continue visiting our site to stay updated on Akoyikoyi work, activities and accomplishments.
Thank you!
Beyond Elementary: Fundraiser for the future of Kids of Akoyikoyi
Last Friday, we launched our crowd-funding campaign to raise much needed funds for the future of Akoyikoyi’s kids. Check it out and please support this great cause.
Beyond Elementary: Future Education Fund for Akoyikoyi’s Kids
Akoyikoyi School Spirit Week!! (February 1st- 5th)
Akoyikoyi School kicked off February with Sprit Week!! Monday, the first, was Founder’s Day. We remembered and celebrated the life of Akoyikoyi School founder, Ketani Graham. Tuesday through Friday included activities like crazy hair day, coconut husking and basket weaving races, a talent show, and local day. This was a very exciting week that included student, staff and parent participation.
Coach Newell paid our school a visit and discussed the importance of sports and hard work with our students. Xavier students, Natasha and Nathan also participated in Spirit Week by teaching our students how to weave. We truly value this collaboration and support between visitors, as well as neighboring schools. School spirit was through the roof, and we would like to thank everyone who helped make this week a success.
Akoyikoyi School Annual Report
With the 2014 – 2015 school year officially behind us, Akoyikoyi School has begun looking forward to next year and is currently offering summer programs for enrolled students. Please download and take a look at our first official Akoyikoyi Annual Report to see news and events from throughout the past year.
Kinisow Chapwur!
Download Here:
Chuukese Wrestlers Compete at Oceania
The Oceania Wrestling Championships were held March 20 – 22 in Majuro, Republic of Marshall Islands and featured strong performances from several Chuukese wrestlers. Julius Koto, Keinichy Rudolph and Giveme Cheipot all earned medals at the competition and wrestled hard in both Freestyle and Greco-Roman formats.
Akoyikoyi School Recognized as a Mix-It-Up Model School
Akoyikoyi School was recently recognized by the organization Teaching Tolerance as a Mix-It-Up Model school, a true testament to the positive attitude we work hard to cultivate at the school. For the past three years, Akoyikoyi has participated in the Mix-It-Up Lunch program, a event designed to bring people from different cultures together in the spirit of breaking down barriers between people of different backgrounds to allow students the opportunity to see how many commonalities we all share. We have partnered with Xavier High School for this event as students from Yap, Palau, Pohnpei, Phillipines, Kosrae, Kiribati, Republic of Marshall Islands, Korea, and Chuuk have come to speak to the youth at Akoyikoyi about the customs and culture of their home.
We are truly honored to be one of only 100 schools to have received this recognition, and one of only two international schools, the other located in Israel. Teaching children tolerance is something that we value very highly and we will continue striving to teach our students the value of respecting people of all nationalities and backgrounds so that we can provide the safest, most positive learning experience possible.
Keitani Graham Wrestling Tournament
Typhoon Maysak
Although this post is several weeks late at this point, it is important to touch on the effect of Typhoon Maysak on the local communities, and Akoyikoyi as a school.
Hearing that the storm was coming to Chuuk, Australian Volunteer Martyn Burne and I went to Akoyikoyi Center/School. Soon we were joined by Jesuit Volunteers Chris and Melanie. We put computers, printers and other equipment in cupboards and moved things to what we felt were safe places. We moved some desks and tables and other storage things.Sunday the storm came with an unexpected fury.
Monday we went to see if the roof was on. It would have been very serious had the roof blown off as we would have sustained serious damage to all curriculum, school equipment and supplies. Fortunately the roof held through the storm.
Fortunately our school sustained only minor rain damage and mud splattered walls and cabinets, water on the floor and some wet student workbooks that had to be replaced. Telephone poles and lines were and so we were without island power, Internet & phone service, but we are OK! In spite of the typhoon, 14 students came Monday.
The staff came together and worked all day cleaning, straightening and organizing. We were also joined by World Teach nurse Hwoi Min and several other World Teach instructors. They conducted a health clinic offering advice and help to those with medical issues.
Tuesday we opened! We were the only school in the state offering classes and we had over 2/3rds of our students show up. We did this, feeling it was important, for several reasons:1. School is important and we don’t want to just take time off.2. Children need order in their lives. They need to be able to count on some things, and school offers this.3. We felt if we had the kids back that we could find out if they had clothes, food, etc., and get things back to normal as soon as possible.4. We wanted them to continue getting the daily Manna Relief, high vitamin and nutrient rich powder, our kids take everyday.