It began with a search on Etsy. Akoyikoyi School, a tuition-free primary school located on the island of Weno in the Federated States of Micronesia, was preparing for COVID19 and searching for materials to promote health and awareness. The most critical items still needed were masks. The director and staff recognized how crucial masks can be and so they began looking for masks on Etsy. After numerous searches and a lot of contemplation, the staff decided to wait on a purchase.
However, in that moment of waiting, came the most surprising and beautiful message, “My name is Jana Yan and I am a senior at Northwest High School in Oak Ridge, NC. Belle and I have been running this non-profit in order to donate masks to others. We would like to reach out to donate fabric masks and school supplies to Akoyikoyi School.”
With little knowledge of each other, a stranger’s kindness became one of the most generous and humble donations that the school has received. Akoyikoyi’s foundation is built off of goodness- her founder, the late Keitani Graham, was and is a model for all of Micronesia. His dedication and love for youth created Akoyikoyi and his legacy continues today.
Jana said that she, “initially reached out again after reading about the history and mission of improving the lives of the Chuukese youth.” She “was moved by the volunteers and teachers working to make a difference in the lives of the children of Chuuk, [those who] have dedicated their lives to helping children achieve the necessary education to be accepted into secondary education. There was not a doubt that if…[she] could help (even if it was just a little) that…[she] would.”
Jana is not just a hero to Akoyikoyi, but to thousands of people and multiple communities. She told us that she, “started StitchbyJ with the philosophy of donating masks dedicated to helping in-need or at-risk communities in North Carolina. Through this, [she] started a student-led initiative called the Guilford Mask Project. [She] was able to coordinate educational programs to educate students on the importance of PPE and precautionary safety measures that should be taken. Over the past few months, she has distributed over 6,800 free reusable masks to hospitals, non-profits, and shelters.”
The staff of Akoyikoyi, which is now spread in three locations due to the pandemic, sincerely thanks Jana. Fokkun kinisou chapur Jana, thank you very much Jana, your gift will always be remembered.
More about the Guilford Mask Project and how to support the incredible work that Jana continues can be found on their website, Facebook page, and Instagram linked below.